
My Photo
Location: Ithaca, New York

born in Brooklyn, NY Lived and worked in NYCity, raised my family on Long Island, NY, retired to Las Vegas and now reside in Ithaca, NY

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

conestoga Wagon

Outside of Pahrump Winery in Pahrump, NV. Old wagon used as prop. They don't grow grapes there but process some wines, and have an outstanding little restaurant.

Ye Old Geazer

This photo was taken in Moab, Utah. We toured the national parks of Arches and Canyonlands and stayed in Moab. This was a place of business along the main thoroughfare in Moab. A great little town for tourists. All should go and visit.

Friday, September 02, 2005

ME's DAD's Garage

This was taken many years ago. In the back of ME's family's home was this freestanding garage. Weathered and very much used by all. The lighting was perfect. The garage's texture became the scene. Worked on it fairly early in the process and that film was the older version so it had a lot more emulsion to move around. Another favorite of mine still.


Thermos and salad bowl drip drying on my counter after a day out shopping for food and art supplies. The colors just popped out at me. I also printed this piece on watercolor paper and enhanced it with colored pencils. One of my favorite images still.